

Result of Turkish - Turkish dictionary

  • Satıcı vb.nin kullandığı tahtadan tepsi
    "Bir hurmacının tablasında üstlerine vuran güneş ışığıyla parıldayan hurmalara imrenmiş." - A. Ş. Hisar
  • Soba, mangal vb. şeylerin altına konulan metalden veya tahtadan yapılan tepsiye benzer altlık.
  • Bir şeyin düz ve geniş bölümü.
  • Küllük
    "Tablada ruj izli sigara artıkları var." - R. H. Karay
  • Ağaçtan veya ağaç ürünlerinden hazırlanmış, büyük yüzeyli düzgün parça.
  • Genellikle Hindistan, Pakistan'da kullanılan, darbukaya benzer bir tür çalgı.
  • (sıfat) Bir tablanın aldığı miktarda olan.
  • (denizcilik) Makaraların yüzlerini oluşturan dış bölümleri.

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • tray. table.
  • tray. circular tray. ashtray. flat surface. ash tray. flat disk.
  • platform. circular wooden tray. ashtray. disclike object. metal pan under a stove. pan. plate. disc. panel. table. disk. pane. copying. trestle. board. scuttle. pallet.
  • A set of two small tuned drums used in North Indian music The left hand plays the larger of the two drums, the 'Bayan', which has a lower pitch After striking the drum with the tips of the fingers, the note is 'bent' up by pressing down with the heel of the hand, tightening the drum head The right hand plays elaborate patterns on the smaller drum, the 'Tabla,' which has a higher, fixed pitch.
  • A pair of hand drums used in Indian music, that are tuned to the main tones of the Raga A virtuoso performer can draw a seemingly limitless variety of timbre and pitch from the tabla.
  • Tabla are a pair of drums used in North Indian music The sitting player strikes the conical right-hand drum and the kettle shaped left-hand drum with his fingers.

Result of Turkish - German dictionary

  • Tablett [das]

Result of Turkish - French dictionary

  • plateau [le]
  • éventaire [le]

Result of Turkish - Bulgarian dictionary

  • is. поднос
  • табла.

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