

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • separate. set apart. keep apart. assort. divorce. isolate. sort. split. sever. abstract. allocate. allot. allow. appropriate. book. choose. classify. comb. comb out. contradistinguish. cut off. cut out. demarcate. detach. devote. disband. discard. di.
  • abstract. allocate. allow. appropriate. assign. detach. differentiate. disconnect. disengage. dissociate. distinguish. divide. divorce. except. grade. insulate. isolate. part. rend. reserve. save. segregate. separate. sever. spare. split. thin.
  • allow. allocate. detache. reserve. separate. to set apart. to part. to separate. to sever from. to pitch. to choose. to select. to distinguish from. to discriminate between. to divide. to divide sth into so many parts. to save. to reserve for. to book. to.

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