

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • big. large. wide. grand. enormous. great. almighty. long. high. major. maxi. elder. older. ample. bulky. capacious. capital. cyclopean. no end. no end of. exalted. extended. handsome. healthy. keen. large-scale. magniloquent. mighty. precious. rousin.
  • ample. big. bulky. colossal. considerable. crying. dire. edifice. expansive. extensive. grand. great. huge. large. legend. major. massive. prize. redoubtable. stupendous. substantial. sumptuous. tremendous. untold. voluminous. walloping. widely.
  • major. big. great. large. old. senior. grand. wide. huge. giant. full grown. capital. cyclopean. macro. mega. coarse. outsized. adult. jumbo. monumental. mammoth. large-scale. mighty. main. large-size. heavy. vast. acute. ample. blockbuster. considerable.
büyük amiral
  • admiral of the fleet.
büyük anne
  • grandma.
büyük baba
  • gramps.
büyük boy
  • large-sized. large size.
  • . jumbo size. king size. large- sized. wide size.
büyük çiftlik
  • dude ranch.
  • farming on a large scale. plantation.

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