

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • ejaculation. orgasm. discharge. empty. climax. shot.
  • discharge. evacuation. ejaculation. coming off.
  • release. unburdening. evacuation. discharging. going dead. ejaculation.
  • empty. discharge. ejaculate. cum. cream. exhaust. drain away. drain off. teem.
  • come. ejaculate. empty. to be emptied. to be discharged. to uncoil. to become free. to become vacant. to get sth off one's chest. to ejaculate. to come off. to come.
  • to be emptied. to empty itself. to run out. to be poured out. to discharge. to uncoil. to run down. to become free. to become vacant. to come out in a hurry. to unburden oneself.

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