

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • calm. quiet. flat. still. untroubled. unruffled. static. airless. bovine. depressed. ditch-water. ditchwater. halcyon. inactive. languid. lifeless. placid. quiescent. serene. settled. slack. sleepy. stagnant. standing. stock-still. tranquil. windless.
  • placid. quiet. sedate. serene. stagnant. standing. still. tranquil. windless. calm. flat. dull.
  • calm. quiet. unruffled. subdued. withdrawn. stagnant. inert. level. inactive. streamless. silent. dead. dead-calm. motionless. slack. stockstill. static. smooth. uneventful. slow. stationary. placid. quiescent. serebe. torpid. tranquil.
  • stagnate.
  • recessional. calmness. stagnation. stagnancy. stillness. inactivity. backwater. calm. deadlock. deadness. inaction. inanimation. inertness. languor. placidity. serenity. slack. slackness.
  • quiet. slump. calmness. heaviness. dullness. stagnation.
  • stagnation. calmness. dullness. mental dullness. rest. fatigue. standstill. static condition. stillness. tie-up. inertia. inertion. inaction. quiet. statical.

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