

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • snatch. seize. catch. grab. grasp. clutch. imbibe. nab. poach. scoop up. shut. shut in. snap up. snatch up. swoop up. twitch. whip. whip away. whip from.
  • grab. imbibe. seize. snap. snatch. to snatch. to grab. to seize. to bag. to pick up. to catch on. to catch. to contract. to come down with sth. to carry off.
  • to snatch. to seize. to catch. to grasp. to snap up. to snatch and carry off. to seize and devour. to grab and eat up. to get the hang of sth right away. to catch. to acquire. to get. to develop. catch at. grab. pin. take.

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