

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • slide. microscope slide.
  • To beat soundly
  • to thrash.
  • Lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
  • Louisiana Maneuvers.
  • llama. lama.
  • lama. llama.
  • See Llama.
  • In Thibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief called Lamaism. llamas a Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism.
  • blade. cutting edge. metal sheet and plate.
  • a Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism. llamas.
  • Tibetan Buddhist teachers. corresponds to Sanskrit guru but has a wider range of meanings in Tibetan Can mean personal religious teacher, especially of Vajrayana
  • head or leading figure within a spiritual community
  • a properly qualified performer of Tantric ritual Note that the roles of lama and MONK are different Most monks are not lamas, and lamas are not necessarily monks. Spiritual teacher or senior monk.
  • In Tibetan Buddhism, considered a master of certain areas of Buddhism May be the head of one or more monasteries.
  • Library Administration and Management Associationhttp://www ala org/lama/.
  • Teacher, especially of Tantra The word Lama pertains not only to the external teacher, but to the inner teacher or enlightened nature The Lama, therefore, is one who reflects the beginingless enlightened nature of their students.
  • Library Administration and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association.
  • Teacher, or one who is revered Lotus Sutra A scripture of major importance to various schools within the Mahayana tradition It describes the virtues of the Bodhisattva, and emphasises that all sentient beings posses Buddha-nature and can attain Enlightenment.
  • A Tibetan Buddhist teacher, often a monk A Tibetan Buddhist teacher, often a monk.
  • lama , llama.
  • One who believes in Lamaism. an adherent of Lamaism.
  • lamp. bulb. light. illuminant. glim.
  • lamp. fixture. head lamp.
  • panel. wainscot. dado.
  • matchboarding. panelling. wainscot.
  • Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect, or temporary obstruction of a function
  • as, a lame leg, arm, or muscle.
  • To some degree disabled by reason of the imperfect action of a limb
  • crippled
  • as, a lame man.
  • Hence, hobbling
  • limping
  • inefficient
  • imperfect.
  • To make lame. a fabric interwoven with threads of metal
  • 'she wore a gold lame dress' disabled in the feet or legs.
  • someone who doesn't understand what is going on. a fabric interwoven with threads of metal
  • 'she wore a gold lame dress'. deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg
  • 'The accident has crippled her for life'. pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness
  • 'a feeble excuse'
  • 'a lame argument'. disabled in the feet or legs. disabled in the feet or legs
  • 'a crippled soldier'
  • 'a game leg'.
  • French for 'trimmed with leaves of gold or silver') Fibre: Silk or any textile fibre in which metallic threads are used in the warp or the filling Lame is also a trademark for metallic yarns Weave: Usually a figured weave but could be any Characteristics: Often has pattern all over the surface The shine and glitter of this fabric makes it suitable for dressy wear The term comes from the French for 'worked with gold and silver wire' Uses: Principally for evening wear.
  • A user who behaves in a stupid or uneducated manner, a description often applied to newbies.
  • A French word for a tool used to slash hearth loaves Some of these look like a long-handled knife, others like a double-edged razor on a stick.
  • This is a condition in which a horse does not carry weight equally on all four legs, due to disease or injury.
  • Fencers term for a non-fencer.
  • A hound determined at time of inspection to be unfit to compete due to a limp or injury No refund is made to the handler unless the hound is called in lame prior to closing date/number.
  • lamé.

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