

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • pull to pieces. break into pieces. tear to pieces. take to pieces. split. break up. dismember. smash. cut smth. asunder. bash in. comminute. crumble. cut up. dash. disintegrate. disjoint. dismantle. disrupt. lacerate. rend. scrap. shatter. shiver. sh.
  • break. bust. disintegrate. dismember. lacerate. mangle. maul. rip. savage. sever. shred. smash.
  • to tear / to break / to pull sth into pieces. to tear / to cut to pieces. to piece. split. to smash. to shatter. to wreck. to break. to pare. to part. to dash. to chop. to demolish. to chop off. to crash. to decompose. to carve. to stave. to disintegrate.

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