

Result of Turkish - English dictionary

  • A term of reproach used by the Jews of our Savior's time, meaning 'worthless.'.
  • raja.
  • used in.
  • Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
  • Definition of who has the Responsibility, Accountability, and who must be Consulted and Informed with respect to specific activities or actions This information is normally presented in the form of a chart or table in which rows are actions/activities and columns are people, the intersections then holding one or more of the RACI letters An example of such a chart is Fig 7-6F taken from the Reactive Maintenance BPR workstream.
  • Abbreviation for the rec arts comics info newsgroup.
  • way. method. procedure. showing off. swagger.
  • the accepted way of doing sth.
  • radar responder beacon.
  • A transponder for interrogation by a primary radar.
  • Beacon giving characteristic signal when triggered by a vessel's radar set. a device that, on receiving radar signals, transmits coded signals in response to help navigators determine their position.

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